Sunday, May 15, 2011

HEALTH HAZARDS IN THE HOME A Major Problem Today! Is Your Home Toxic?

Over the last twenty years more and more consumers have been concerned with health hazards in the home. These consist primarily of chemicals and toxins, which have never before been inside the home, but are introduced by manufacturers by putting harsh chemicals into products which are used in the home.

Begin by thinking of your home as a toxic waste dump. The average home today contains 62 toxic chemicals - more than a chemistry lab at the turn of the century. More than 72,000 synthetic chemicals have been produced since WW II. Less than 2% of synthetic chemicals have been tested for toxicity, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects, or birth defects. The majority of chemicals have never been tested for long-term effects.

Some Facts
An EPA survey concluded that indoor air was 3 to 70 times more polluted than outdoor air. Another EPA study stated that the toxic chemicals in household cleaners are 3 times more likely to cause cancer than outdoor air. CMHC reports that houses today are so energy efficient that "out-gassing" of chemicals has no where to go, so it builds up inside the home. We spend 90% of our time indoors, and 65% of that time at home. Moms, infants and the elderly spend 90% of their time in the home. National Cancer Association released results of a 15-year study concluding that women who work in the home are at a 54% higher risk of developing cancer than women who work outside the home. Cancer rates have almost doubled since 1960.. Cancer is the Number ONE cause of death for children.

There has been a 26% increase in breast cancer since 1982. Breast cancer is the Number ONE killer of women between the ages of 35 and 54. Primary suspects are laundry detergents, household cleaners and pesticides. There has been a call from the U.S./ Canadian Commission to ban bleach in North America. Bleach is being lin ked to the rising rates of breast cancer in women, reproductive problems in men and learning and behavioral problems in children. Chemicals get into our body through inhalation, ingestion and absorption. We breathe 10 to 20 thousand liters of air per day. There are more than 3 million poisonings every year. Household cleaners are the Number ONE cause of poisoning of children.

Since 1980, asthma has increased by 600%. The Canadian Lung Association and the Asthma Society of Canada identify common household cleaners and cosmetics as triggers. ADD/ADHD are epidemic in schools today. Behavioral problems have long been linked to exposure to toxic chemicals and molds. Chemical and environmental sensitivities are known to cause all types of headaches. Labeling laws do not protect the consumer - they protect big business. The New York Poison Control Center reports that 85% of product warning labels were either inadequate or incorrect for identifying a poison, and for first a id instructions. Formaldehyde, phenol, benzene, toluene, xylene are found in common household cleaners, cosmetics, beverages, fabrics and cigarette smoke. These chemicals are cancer causing and toxic to the immune system.

Chemicals are attracted to, and stored in fatty tissue. The brain is a prime target for these destructive organics because of its high fat content and very rich blood supply. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health has found more than 2500 chemicals in cosmetics that are toxic, cause tumors, reproductive complications, biological mutations and skin and eye irritations. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, circulatory disorders, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, and hormonal problems are diseases commonly related to chemical exposure.

Pesticides only have to include active ingredients on the labels, even though the inert (inactive) ingredients ma y account for 99%, many of which are toxic and poisons. More facts follow from Indoor Air Pollution Seminar. Our homes should have a complete change of air 3 or 4 times a day. New homes are built so airtight that it is impossible to get a complete change of air. We should leave our windows open on each side of our house for better cross ventilation.

In Alberta last year accidental poisoning statistics were as follows:
Between the ages of:

0 - 4 years - 11, 515 poisonings
5 - 10 years - 1,524
11 - 19 years 1,019
20 and over 7,799
The top three culprits according to Poison Control: Household cleaners, bleach and medications. In the USA the #1 cause of accidental poisoning is Dawn Dishwashing Detergent (c). WHY? Because it is the #1 seller. Tide contains Lye and is the #1 polluter. It is also the #1 seller.

Deep Woods and Off have an ingredient called DEET. DEET causes seizures in children and adults. Inert (or inactive) ingredients in products are protected by trade secrets and very dangerous. In the work place Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must accompany any product used. The work place and the outdoors are considered “legal environments” while the air in homes is not. So regulations for outdoor air pollution and toxins in the workplace are much more strict than in the home.

The ideal humidity rate is 35-45%. Higher rates cause mold. Use of humidifiers and dehumidifiers with standing water encourages mold growth in the water. The ideal temperature for homes is 68-72 degrees. Higher temperatures make chemicals more active. When we shower, the hot water aerates the chlorine and can cause headaches as can the use of aerosols. Steam from our dryer vents is extremely toxic from the chemicals in fabric softener sheets and residues from detergents and bleach.

Chemicals used to dry clean clothing are very dangerous and can cause cancer. When you bring dry cleaning home you should hang it outside for at least 3 days. Dry cleaning chemicals are the same cancer causing chemicals in mothballs. There are 4700 chemicals in tobacco smoke. Formaldehyde is one of the largest indoor pollutants in our homes. Products containing Formaldehyde include:
Permanent Press clothing
Floor waxes and furniture polishes
Wax Paper
Paper Money
Symptoms caused by formaldehyde are: Allergies, cancer, immune system failings and asthma

Phenols are a major indoor pollutant. Phenols are absorbed by lungs, and skin. Symptoms include caustic burns, kidney and liver damage and hyperactivity. Products containing Phenols include:
Acne medications
Baking Powder
TV sets
Sugar substitutes
Do you think the major products are safe? WRONG! Lysol (c) is even more dangerous than we thought. It contains phenols and dioxin (Agent Orange). Bleach must be safe because people have been using it for years, right? WRONG! When using bleach, antiseptics or chlorine in industrial areas you are required by OSHA to wear impervious protective clothing, hard hats, boots, gloves, apron or coveralls, chemical goggles or full face shield and use only in well ventilated areas.

When using Easy Off (c) make sure all your skin is covered, wear protective clothing, do not breath in and don't get on your enamel, (if this product will hurt the enamel on your stove, can you imagine what it will do to us?).

NTAs were banned in 1970. Lobbying by Proctor & Gamble in 1980 put them back into home products although they are extremely cancer causing. What are they for? ONLY to make more suds in detergents to make you think your clothes are getting cleaner.

Our immune system is very powerful, like a janitorial system. Giving our bodies good nutrition means our body can repair itself and be able to handle what we face in the world. Household chemicals cause all kinds of symptoms - from cardiovascular problems, panic attacks, and anxiety attacks to bedwetting.

Eliminating the cause of the environmental illness is more effective and much less expensive than treating the symptoms. Prevention - 80% - 90% effective. Treatments - 50% - 60% effective. What seems to make the most sense? How can you find help?

Throughout Dr. Woods' entire presentation, she never mentioned our company’s name. At the end, when asked, she pointed at a display of the products we recommend and said, I use these products. I have done a lot of research and have not been able to find better products anywhere. If I do find better products, I will use them.

Please feel free to forward this to someone you care about. We are fortunat e with our company. We can introduce loved ones to this company knowing that it is a shopping system that everyone can benefit from using. We don't have product distributors - just a network of satisfied customers with the ability to turn this healthy lifestyle into a vibrant business if they chose to do so.

About the Author--
Dr. Joyce Woods worked as a medical/surgical nurse, public health nurse, nurse educator, nursing school administrator, occupational health consultant. She holds Bachelors of Nursing, Bachelors of Arts (Specialist), Masters of Education degrees, and has completed her doctoral degree in the area of Indoor Air Pollution, and's effect on your health.

For more information on how you too can use safer products that cost less per use and outperform anything on the market you can request information from us by going to:  information form.

The Power of Alpha Brain Waves – Instant Meditation. Success, Health and Happiness is in Your Hands!

God has made us awesome and wonderful creatures. He has created us with a mind that can enable us to achieve whatever we set out to accomplish.
Most of us do not realize that we have the power in us to achieve the things that we most desire.
~ Man can shape circumstances, but circumstances should not be allowed to shape the man. We should seize upon circumstances as instruments by which to work. We are to master them, but should not permit them to master us. ~
Ellen White

Did you know that you can easily re-program yourself to become the person you most desire to be?
By slowing your brainwaves to the Alpha Level. You can achieve the Alpha brainwave state by learning meditation techniques that can be time consuming and difficult to master. Or you can achieve instant meditation by listening to sound or music that has been recorded in the Alpha brainwave range.
All the changes that you want to make in your life are now at your fingertips!
~ The greatest discovery of the 19th century was not in the realm of the physical sciences, but the power of the subconscious mind touched by faith. Any individual can tap into an eternal reservoir of power that will enable them to overcome any problem that may arise. ~
William James

What is Alpha?
Normally, we operate in the beta state. In this state our brain waves range from 15-26 HZ. When we are in the Alpha state our brain waves average range are around 7-12 HZ.
The Alpha state is a state of “aware relaxation”. Emotions experienced in the alpha state include a sense of well being, pleasure and tranquility. The Alpha brainwave level appears to link the conscious to the subconscious mind.
At the Alpha level you can re-program yourself and reap numerous advantages. The Alpha brain wave state:
Calms and relaxes your body and mind. The brain’s thought process is slowed and the mind is clear. Tension and stress just melts away.
Enhances Positive thinking and Emotional Healing. Releases Negative Attitudes. Research has found the Alpha brain wave rhythm puts you in a Positive state of Mind and Mood, enabling you to erase your negative attitudes and gives you an overall feeling of Wellness.
When you are in Alpha state you are mentally able to Re-Program yourself to achieve anything you Desire:
* Gain Complete Confidence
* Stop Addictive Habits
* Lose Weight
* Release Disabling Fears
* Goal Setting and Achieving
* Achieve any success you desire.
~ Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will. ~
George Bernard Shaw

Accelerates Healing and enables you to Achieve Vibrant Health
Enhances your Learning Ability, Memory, Creativity and your Ability to Focus, Concentrate and Think more clearly.
Boosts Peak Performance – During speaking engagements, competitive sports and in all areas where peak performance is critical.
You achieve the Alpha brain wave state with ease when listening to music or sound recorded in the Alpha range. The best times to go to your Alpha level are first thing in the morning and again before you go to bed at night.
While listening, think about the things that you want to change in your life and visualize that you have already gained success in that area. Visualize what that looks like physically and what that feels like emotionally. Always visualize your success in the present tense.
For example, to heal an ailment, visualize your white blood cells surrounding and smothering the ailment until it is gone. Visualize yourself completely healthy and well.
Give yourself positive affirmations, such as the positive affirmation by French physician Emile Coue, “Everyday, in every way, I am getting better and better.”
Practice Alpha meditation daily and gain the levels of success and healing you have been looking for. You have the power in you to change your life.

Can’t Seem to Remember Anything? Try These Strategies for Better Memory!

There are three main enemies of information retention:
· Information overload
· Negative filtering
· Lack of follow-up
Information overload is simple. We want to learn so much and cram it all in that none of it means anything. We overload our brains! Why attend five seminars on being a better salesman if you retain none of what you learn and put none of it into action. Do you feel like a better salesman just because you attended a seminar? I hope not. Of course it is easy to read a new book or listen to a new CD, but an overdose in knowledge does not equal a change in behavior. We’ve become knowledge junkies!
So how do we learn to better retain and put into action all that we learn? The answer is simple: repetition. It goes all the way back to grade school. When you are first learning your letters and how to read, you do so through repetition. First you see the letter, then you hear its sound, then you learn how to write it, and you repeat it until it is committed to memory. Nothing really changes if we want to keep learning. We must remember the power of repetition. Instead of filling our heads with every new idea that comes down the pipe, we need to simplify and remember to learn “one letter at a time” until each is committed to memory. Repetition!
That isn’t enough, though. Most of us have been conditioned to have a negative filtering system. What does this mean? Well, think back again to childhood. Most likely, when you behaved well, it was expected, and thus no one said anything. When you behaved wrongly, however, someone probably jumped all over you. Certainly it is important to correct wrong behavior, but when you never get caught doing good and rarely receive praise, you begin to set up defense mechanisms and filter everything through a mind dominated by negative thinking. ONE person showing confidence in you can make all the difference, but even if you never have that, you can determine which voices to listen to! Most people achieve too little too soon because they never learn to overcome negative conditioning. We wear a judge’s robe and turn the harshest judgment upon ourselves. It is the worst kind of self-abuse!
Our negative attitudes and self-judgment become like traffic obstacles on a freeway. When information comes in, we subconsciously allow all of our “obstacles” to block it from truly being absorbed. The “I could never do that” or “It only works out well for people like him” mentalities become seemingly insurmountable. Thus, for most of us, only about 10% of what we hear ever gets through to us. It’s like converging a ten-lane highway into a single lane. Major traffic jam!
We must, therefore, learn to listen with a positive mindset. Here are some pointers:
· with no prejudice or preconceived ideas,
· with a learning attitude that is excited about new information,
· with positive expectancy,
· with a pen in hand taking notes,
· with a desire to hear not only what is being said, but also what it can trigger in your imagination, and
· with a “How can I use this?” attitude.
Positive thinkers are open to new information and are constantly looking to apply that new information in ways beyond what their teachers, mentors, or coaches could have ever imagined!
The final enemy of information retention is lack of follow up. The lack of follow-up is the hardest hurdle to overcome because it requires structure and accountability. People need a follow-up plan to put their know-how into action! To change behavior and get results, you need structure, support, and accountability. We’ve all heard the old adage, “Practice makes perfect!” My father always said it this way, “Practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect!” When you learn something new, start practicing it right away. The more quickly you use a newly acquired skill, the more likely you are to master it.
This practice is even more effective when you partner yourself with a mentor or coach help to you “perfect” your learning, who can journey with you through your growth process and encourage you – even when your progress is only mostly right! That encouragement and coaching can be the reinforcement for you that closes the knowing-doing gap.
Once you can reprogram your thinking and overcome the enemies of information retention, you have the ability to take your knowledge one step further . . . share what you’ve learned and teach others! Then you solidify your own knowledge and beliefs and become a part of someone else’s change. That can make all the difference!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Why I Believe Melaleuca Is The Right Choice

It's the relationships in life that matter most. Whether it's friends, neighbors, or even those companies we shop with, the relationships that are most rewarding are the ones that tend to last. That's why Melaleuca gives every Preferred Customer real benefits that makes our relationship truly extraordinary.
Some of the benefits of being a Melaleuca Preferred Customer are obvious: like the automatic 30%–40% discount off regular prices. Or $100 in Loyalty Shopping Dollars when you shop in your first five months. Or you get the peace of mind that comes from using safer, more eco-friendly home cleaning products. Together, they all add up to give our customers real value without equal. Melaleuca strives to increase that value every day.
Melaleuca began with a belief that there's a better way to care for your home, health, and family. That products and companies can enhance lives while providing real solutions to everyday needs. We sincerely care about our relationship with each of our customers, and in return for your loyalty, we promise all of this and so much more.

Great Mothers Day Breakfast Treat - She Deserves It

chocolate buckwheat pancakes
Ingredients (servings:12)
1 cup buckwheat pancake mix
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
4 Tablespoons powdered sugar, plus additional for dusting
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil, plus 2 teaspoons for griddle
1 large egg
1 1/4 cups low-fat milk
1/4 cup mini chocolate chips

Total Time: 35 minutes
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Serves: 4, makes twelve
5-inch pancakes

1/2 cup raspberries or sliced strawberries
Raspberry or strawberry syrup


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Oprah- The real dangers of household cleaners

Are Hidden Chemicals Making You Sick

Melaleuca - The Wellness Company

Melaleuca Products - Simply Switch Stores!

A Tribute to the Health Seekers

    Imagine you are enjoying an entertainment event, such as the Houston Rodeo, and a special TV announcement interrupts the lively chain of events of the evening. The message on the TV is from the chairman of the event, and he says, “In an effort to fight cancer, we would like to share a cancer prevention tip. Make sure 75% of your plate consists of fruits and vegetables.” And then music ramps back up in preparation for the next activity. How would you respond to such a short, but powerful message?
The Health Seekers
                When I hear a health tip or news headline such as what the Houston Rodeo gave, I instantly become curious and want to learn more. I wonder how eating mostly fruits and vegetables impacts my health and prevents cancer. I immediately seek to incorporate this health tip into my lifestyle. I am a health seeker. A health seeker is anyone who wants to learn more and better their lives, regardless of current knowledge or education. So how about you? Are you a health seeker?
The Indifferent
                You may respond by shrugging your shoulders and not think twice about a health tip like this. You figure that there is no point in changing because you don’t see an immediate need right now. You are just fine. You know about “health freaks” that die at a young age, and you definitely have a crazy great-aunt who drinks and smokes-and she’s living strong! I would challenge you not to bank on just luck when it comes to your health, and do everything in your power to put the odds in your favor.
The Naysayers
                If you’re reading this, I doubt that you fall into this category, but ask yourself if you are a health naysayer. This usually involves a response to health advice such as, “I’m not worrying about preventing cancer-everything causes cancer. Eating better is not going to help.” If you or someone you know is a health naysayer, leave it alone for now. This person is not ready to make any health changes, and trying so will only make them more turned off. When they are ready, you will know. You will be a shining example of a healthy lifestyle, and they will be coming straight to you for advice. In the mean time, do not let them get to you or cause doubt-keep seeking health!
                As a nation, only 33% of adults meet the recommended fruit servings daily (two or more), and 27% eat the recommended vegetables (three or more). Wow! If your goal is to be eating a plate that is mostly fruits and vegetables, we have some work to do. Become a health seeker-find out what you can change in your lifestyle to be closer to this amount. Think about what you are eating next today-throw in an apple or a small side salad. Your health will thank you today, and for many years to come.
About the Author
Kimberly Coventry, has been researching nutrition and fitness for nearly a decade.  During this time, she has completed her Masters Degree in Holistic Nutrition, become a Certified Nutritional Consultant, Certified NASM dotFIT Coach, marathoner, duathlete and triathlete. She has been consulting clients for over five years, and has developed a passion for combining nutrition and fitness.

10 ways to burn 100 calories in the gym-Weight Loss Tablets

1. Running on A TREADMILL for 8 mins.
This is hard work! Never underestimate how effective the massive rate of calorie burning is. It helps you maintain weight loss and your cardio system will be in fantastic condition. If the hips, knees and feet can cope, go for it !
2. Rowing Machine for 10 mins.
A perfect combo with running on the treadmill. The pressure is off the legs and more even across the body with arms and legs working together. A great calorie burner if you are trying to lose weight. Good technique is vital so make sure an instructor keeps you in check!.
3. Vibration Plate for 12 mins.
The ‘newby’ in the gym and promoted by the celebs. A great quick tone up as on 10-minute session is the equivalents of a 60-minute conventional workout. This is not a cardio workout so only think of it as weight workout.
4. Cross Trainer for 13 mins.
A popular machine with gym bunnies, it is smooth with virtually no impact on the joints and a good level of calorie burning. Most people can use them for long duration cardio work, which has the added benefit of burning more body fat during the workout. Really good if you have joint problems.
5. Steeper/Stair Climber for 14 mins.
There are so many different variations of this machine but they are always a good calorie burner. Advisable to stay clear if your knees react to the action, so do more non-weightbearing cardio work such as the exercise bike.
6. Exercise Bike for 15 mins.
The best cardio machine and a solid calorie burner for long duration training without stress on the joints. If you want a machine for the home then this it it!. You will burn 400 calories in an hour!.
7. Walking on a TREADMILL for 17 mins.
Walking is the most natural action and we are expected to do 10,000 steps per day. 100 calories equates to around one mile and 2,000 steps. So if you manage your 10,000 that equates to 500 calories of activity per day!.
8. Free Weights for 20 mins.
It is not cardio, but you burn calories with any movement and if you add resistance such as dumbbells then the weight adds to the calories burn. Also, weight training increase lean tissue(muscle), making you a more efficient fat burner all day, everyday!.
9. Resistance Machines for 20 mins.
This is the safest place to go weight training as the machine holds you in position. It allows you to work with heavier weights having more impacts on bones. Any sign of osteoporosis then you need this!. The pull of the muscles across bones makes bones stronger.
10. Stretch and Relax for 30 mins.
A stretch and relax at the end of your session is valuable. The calorie burn drops, but it re-lengthens muscles, reduces risk of soreness and maintains flexibility. With after-burn your body will burn calories at a higher rate for up to eight hours after you have finished!.