Saturday, September 17, 2011

Stress Relief Techniques

Stress Relief Techniques - What Should You Look For When Choosing the Best Stress Relief Technique?
Stress relief techniques are many and varied. All of them work for the people who use them. However, stress creeps up on us precisely when and because we have too much else to do and no time to relax and reduce our stress levels. We are only human. We focus our time elsewhere. After all, in today's hectic society, just how many of us can truly find the time we need to follow a stress relief technique properly?
However, like everything in life, stress reduction methods are only any good if they are used. And if you enjoy something, you make time for it. That's just common sense. So as stress becomes increasingly commonplace, with more and more people complaining of burnout, it makes sense to find an affordable stress relief technique that you enjoy.
Unfortunately, stress relief techniques, such a stress management courses can be very expensive. They often need specialist instruction, such as EFT. They can only be done in certain times and places, such as a yoga class or may need a clear half hour of tranquil space to be effective, such as meditation. And some techniques, like Tai Chi, can also be difficult to learn and even unsuitable for certain people, such as the elderly.
It therefore follows that the best stress relief technique is none of the above!
Instead it should be inexpensive, need no specialist instruction, be available anytime and anywhere, effective within a very short space of time, simple to do, easy to learn and suitable for everyone. And if it could also be safe and fun to do, then so much the better! What stress relief technique could possibly fit that bill?
Stress balls do!
These stress relieving toys are inexpensive yet surprisingly effective. They are squeezable foam balls (although novelty shapes are also very popular) which are used individually by steadily squeezing and releasing them.
There are also some stress balls, known as dragon balls or Chinese balls, which are used in pairs. These stress balls are small, solid and metallic and gently massage the reflexology points in the hands as they are rolled around. These actions reduce stress and tension not only in the hands, but throughout the body, making them effective and affordable stress relief technique.
Because of their small size, stress balls are very portable. They can be simply popped into a bag or briefcase, put into a vehicle glove compartment or placed on your mouse pad for use whilst sitting at a computer. This means they are always available for use. Stress balls are also great fun! This one fact alone means you will use them! And that means stress balls are the best a stress relief technique!
Top 5 Stress Relief Techniques
Are you tired of being tired? Has your energy level been sorely depleted because of the stress in your life? If you're ready to reduce that stress, get started now. Here are the top five stress relief techniques for you to use:
Stress Relief Technique #1: Get a massage. Go for the gold and get a full body massage at your favorite spa. When your body is a mass of tight, knotted muscles from stress, a full body massage will calm you down and help release that tension.
Stress Relief Technique #2: Get a manicure and pedicure. When you need a quick pick-me-up, head to the nail salon and treat yourself to a mani and pedi. Science has proven that there are pressure points located on our feet and hands. These areas can cause additional pain during stressful times. A nice mani and pedi will help soothe those pressure points.
Stress Relief Technique #3: Take a bubble bath. Create your own personal spa at home. Draw a bath as hot as you can stand it. Add calming bath salts to the water and light lots of candles for ambiance. Lock the door and soak away your stress.
Stress Relief Technique #4: Thing positive. Replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. Allowing negative thoughts to control you will only increase your stress. Speak positive affirmations often to control stressful situations.
Stress Relief Technique #5: Find balance. Most stress is a product of living an unbalanced life. Drop the things that aren't necessary and you'll reduce your stress by 50% or more.
These five stress relief techniques will get you started on the path of reducing your stress. Try one each day and add your own twist to them to kick stress from your life.
Stress Relief Techniques - Easy Techniques to Beat Your Stress Today
Stress relief techniques can really improve your life, whether you suffer from mild or very serious stress. If you suffer from anxiety already, you don't need me to tell you what a terrible thing it can be. Thankfully there is a wide range of solutions in the modern world. Read on to find techniques that can help you fast..
Technique one: I know it's cheesy, but have you considered yoga? Yoga has been one of the primary stress relief techniques in the world for many years, and for good reason. I'm not suggesting that you have to get obsessed by it and shave your head or whatever. Not at all. Most people can see huge benefit just by buying a yoga DVD or even getting a book on it from their local library.
Technique two: Music. When was the last time you kicked back in your favorite chair and just listened to your favorite CD? Music and music therapy has been used as stress relief techniques for probably hundreds or even thousands of years. It doesn't have to be anything complex, it can just be you listening to your favorite music for a few minutes each day.
Technique three: Exercise. There are some very medical reasons why exercise can help you De-stress. When you exercise your body naturally decreases hormones such as cortisol, which is one of the body's own stress chemicals. Also, exercising causes your body to release endorphins, which are what make you feel good. If you've ever felt extraordinarily good after some strong exercise, that will be the endorphins.
Natural Stress Relief Techniques - Learn How to Get These 10 Benefits of Stress Relief
At some point in our lives we will all encounter a big nasty pile of continuous stress. You know those periods where everything you do seems to make everything more complicated. It is like you are riding some high speed stress train. The next stop is "Going Postal," a destination created to destroy your future goals, ruin your job, relationships and even your desire to get out of bed. If you are at a point where you realize a never ending struggle with stress has only lead to an ever increasing intense and frequent cycle of more stress, then it may be time for you to apply new methods to combat your stress problems with more effective all natural stress relief techniques.
With a simple observation you will notice many people around you are able to experience higher levels and more frequent degrees of stress. By comparison you will witness that the present economic times have caused more and more people to experience the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual effects of a huge increase in stress. It is no wonder that stress is the number one health problem in America today according to the American Institute of Health.
One of the largest contributors to the rise in stress is the pressure we hold in from our jobs. Today, one of the most stressful challenges to our work environment is the fact that "job security" has little basis in employment reality. Many other factors such as divorce, family and financial strains have greatly contributed to the steady climb in stressful family pressures.
Consider the "Leave it to Beaver" family model, where a father works and a mother stays at home while looking after the children. This is now a concept of a past gone era. At present most men and women need to work just to keep up with the bills. Our perfect twenty first century life with all our technological gadgetry has forced us to evolve with an increasingly complicated world or be consumed by it.
We are dependent on smart phones, wireless internet, i Pods, global positioning systems, and every sort of home and garden appliance designed, to make our lives easier. In spite of all this stuff we still feel we are losing social ground because we do not have the latest high density television.
The problem with all this stress is it can cause many dis-eases to your mind and body. These can either lead you to believe you have a serious medical condition or actually develop one. Stress can seriously contribute to a host of real problems. Here are some of the most common:
Anxiety & Panic Disorder-Depression
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Obesity-Ulcers-Diabetes-Heart Disease
Substance Abuse-Hyperthyroidism
Anorexia or malnutrition
Cancer-Tooth and Gum Disease
Stress can manifest itself into all sorts of long term physical issues. The list of ailments is quite real like; insomnia, headaches, muscle tension, stomach and heart problems. Left untreated these stress related symptoms can become the root cause of more serious forms of chronic illness including many issues and disorders associated with relationships, eating, breathing, reproductive systems, immunity, growth, emotions and phobias. Yeah, pretty crazy to realize that learning to chill out with effective stress relief techniques can increase awareness, help manage stressful encounters and actually keep you healthy, happy and alive.

I do not know about you but I like to; feel in control, have a sense of humor, be actively involved with family, friends, avoid things like road rage, conflicts, arguments, domestic violence, frequent job changes and drugs. By learning to implement natural stress techniques you can have more positive energy and reduce the effects of any negative encounters.
This is why it is so important for you to learn to reduce your stress. Anyone can learn these natural relaxation techniques to lower and manage everyday stress. You can get these free natural techniques to relieving stress just by following the link below. The e Book of all natural stress relief techniques will provide you ten life changing benefits to:
Release endorphins, natural pain relievers make you feel good
Help your blood pressure
Help your heart rate
Slow your metabolism Improve breathing
Improve blood circulation
Improve tension and stiffness Improve mobility and flexibility
Reduce spasms and cramps
Reduce anxiety
Any proven natural stress relief technique should include tips and instruction on massage, meditation, breathing exercises, aromatherapy, music and yoga. One of the best features of a natural stress relief technique is it can enable you to prevent stress before it begins by creating awareness and developing a personal winning strategy.